Fiona Cameron-Brown - Writer for hire

Author : Fiona Cameron-Brown

Bot vs human: which writing reads better?

If you read my blogs kinda regularly, you know that one of the things that is important to me, is that writing is easy to read – and understand.  In my last post after dabbling with ChatGPT, I said I’d delve a little deeper into what it yields. I experimented, comparing human and ChatGPT generated […]

Clozing out (or in…) – why we need a “third eye”

I struggle to proofread my own writing.  I don’t keep it a secret.  Some of the reasons I struggle are common to everyone.  Others are connected to the fact that for years, I struggled with “d” and “g”.  When I started learning to type (yes, I did that thing at school), I used to get […]

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